Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I randomly ran into an old friend at the airport on the weekend who informed me she would be moving to Vancouver later this week. She asked me how I handle the rain, and on a day like today, it seems like the perfect opportunity to share.

Well as all Vancouverites know, it rains here and it rains here a lot. While we've had a fairly dry summer, today is a reminder of what November-February is typically like. My first experience of "winter" in Vancouver was depressing. I was a starving student, trapped in my apartment, wishing for a nice clean layer of snow to make everything look pretty again.

My wish didn't come true, but what did happen was a very generous Christmas gift of some Burberry rain boots and voila! My attitude about the rain suddenly changed. The thing is, we live in Vancouver and that means the rain is inevitable; we can't change that. What we can change is our outlook. By embracing our rainy season, it somehow adds to the charm of this beautiful city.

So while the rest of you are boo-hooing about the weather, I'm busy coordinating outfits with my favorite pair of boots. Now all I need is the matching umbrella!


OMG...becks i have the matching umbrella! champagne on the outside w. burberry plaid inside...its so fab! we will have to go splash in puddles together!

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