A few weeks ago I called Yaletown Pet Hospital to make an appointment for London to get his vaccines and a physical. I was worried about how much it would cost, since anything with the name Yaletown in it tends to come with a higher price tag, but this place is on my street, and you can't beat a 2 minute commute. They said they weren't taking new patients, but that they would squeeze him in 3 weeks from now.
The day finally came yesterday, and the physical went great! Not only were they kind to my wallet, but they even suggested he not get all of the expensive vaccines he had had in the past. On top of which, he only needed to return for his Rabies shot every 3 years (vs annually, like his previous vet recommended).
I really appreciated their honesty and professionalism, even at their own expense (I was ready to shell out for the complete list of vaccines and services). If you're looking for a place to take your pooche, I highly recommend the Yaletown Pet Hospital!
Next stop: Yaletown Pet Weight Watchers.
Haha MIKE! Your comments are mean. London has feelings too you know. Anyway the doctor said his weight is just fine.
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