Thursday, August 19, 2010

Social Media Pays the Bills!

Has everyone heard of Gabi Gregg, the recently hired Tweet Jockey at MTV? Well if you haven't, this lady has landed (possibly) the best social media job out there, on top of which she is getting one fat pay day! Gabbi is on a $100,000 annual salary to run MTV's Twitter and Facebook accounts.

This got me thinking, being in PR, I tweet on behalf of clients all the time. The average pay (I've seen) for social media, typically doesn't surpass the $18 per hour rate. Obviously MTV is aware they are over paying Gabi, but I think by having such a highly publicized campaign, they bring light to the importance of social media for businesses in these modern times. I think this is a great first step in showing other companies the value behind Twitter and having an online presence.


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