Friday, September 3, 2010

Sin Fang Bous

We all have that friend who is constantly sending you new music. Sometimes the music is great, other times it's just ok. I have a lovely friend in Ottawa who does exactly this for me. A little over a year ago he sent me a song by Sin Fang Bous, the Icelandic one man show. I like indie rock/hipster music, so I thought I'd give it a listen. The best word to describe Sin Fang Bous is weird... but this is weird in a very good way.

I love Sin Fang Bous! I listened to the Youtube clip he sent me, and ended up buying the entire album, surprisingly, available on iTunes.

Pitchfork gave their album a mediocre 6.9, but I think it's one of those things you need to listen to a few times to really "get" it. Before you know it, you'll be walking down the street and the tune of Lies will pop into your head.

After "weird", I'd say "catchy" is the next best way to describe Sin Fang Bous. Definitely check this guy out!


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